To all my friends, family, and Art lovers:
Come see the portraits I have been painting of the Men in my Life!
(and the many etchings, aquatints, drawings and mono prints, with a variety of subject matter, that I have been doing over the years. Plenty to choose from!)

The paintings above are my newest project:


I have turned a corner! I have begun to paint THE MEN in my life!
Years ago when my children were young and I was a stay-at-home mom,
I started drawing and painting my young family, often catching them at sleep instead of at play. Thirty years ago, I started painting and drawing their children!
In the past two years, the youngest two of those children have become young men in their twenties!
“Where have all those children gone?” …. A short time parted! … And I??
I plan to have them all done by the October Open Studio Tour!

“Portraits of the men in my Life, a work in progress”
Here is a map for finding the studios of my fellow artists and me Saturday, May 13:
For more information about the Arbolada artists go to: